Vehicle GPS Tracking - GPS Tracking VS GPS Navigation

JiangDavid 发布

A GPS navigation device isn't the same as an automobile GPS tracking unit. Both GPS devices work by using info via satellite coordinates. A GPS navigation tracker's purpose is to track vehicles or a target vehicle. The monitoring device can relay information on where the car has traveled, how long the car stopped, etc. GPS navigation monitoring devices are installed in vehicles. GPS navigation monitoring devices might be used for bicycles, scooters and motor cycles. A few GPS navigation trackers are intended to monitor movements of computers if computer lost or is stolen. All GPS navigation trackers utilize global positioning satellites that may ascertain the speed and location of a vehicle.

Information is sent by the GPS navigation monitoring system into GPS navigation satellites that path the data via a network that is cellular or telephone back to a receiving device. GPS navigation trackers alert the receiver via SMS text messaging and can send information. Like a vehicle GPS navigation system, GPS navigation trackers can provide mapping information where a target vehicle has traveled showing. GPS navigation trackers are used by law enforcement, private investigators, insurance or fraud investigators, private and corporate people to secure information needed for investigative purposes. Like delivery businesses, taxi companies and providers, utilize GPS navigation trackers maintain and monitor data records on possessions or car fleets are being used.

GPS navigation tracking devices may be utilized to track company vehicles if stolen. Some companies used GPS navigation monitoring systems to enhance productivity by tracking mileage and speed of business vehicles to check fuel usage, thus saving fuel cost. GPS navigation tracking systems may also be utilized to log how employees use business vehicles for client related delivery of merchandise by specifying exactly when a product was delivered and received. GPS navigation tracking devices may be used legally to track family activities, i.e. Kids or spouses. The use of GPS navigation trackers is controversial in these areas. Though GPS navigation tracking devices may be utilized in the majority of states, legally without a special permit or license, an individual needs to check applicable State or Federal regulations regarding the use of GPS navigation tracking devices.

There are also functional differences between a GPS navigation tracker and a GPS navigation system. A GPS navigation tracker is a device used to accumulate information by tracking a target vehicle's movements. This by default means that the occupant or occupants within the vehicle are tracked. A thorough map of that the vehicles location can be sent a mobile phone or computer system. GPS navigation trackers are occasionally utilized by law enforcement officers to covertly track and monitor possible suspects being investigated. GPS navigation systems require installation of mapping software that allows devices to provide directional info for various locations. GPS navigation trackers don't require mapping software to be installed in order into operate.


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