How do Game Cameras Work?

Geposted von JiangDavid am

The essential components that make a game camera work are its motion sensor, lens, infrared emitters, batteries, and SD card. The motion sensor portion of a game camera is what triggers the camera to capture movement. A camera that took photos or video clips every time the wind blew the leaves around would be useless, so motion sensors are also equipped with heat detection. The better the sensor, the faster it will detect movement and heat. The faster it can detect movement and heat, the faster it will gather footage within its field of view. Higher quality cameras also have a high-speed turnover time between taking one photo and being ready for the next. Lens quality makes all the difference in the shots captured by a game camera. A camera with a high megapixel count and a bad lens will take just as poor resolution of photos as a camera with a low megapixel count and a bad lens. A good lens is clear, smooth, and not easily fogged up or damaged. Light above a certain spectrum is undetectable by humans, and most animals aren't capable of noticing it either. Cameras that transmit infrared light emit little (if any) glow, making detection nearly impossible. The more stealth you want your camera to have, the higher quality your infrared emitters should be. Game cameras are specifically equipped with long battery life. The longer your batteries last, the less time you need to spend worrying about them. A dead battery during a break in means no photos or videos of the crime, rendering the camera unable to fulfill its purpose. Many game cameras come with rechargeable batteries, which decrease your expenses and contribute to a cleaner environment. A good SD card with lots of storage will also decrease the amount you have to worry about your game camera. These cameras are self-contained, so they need a place to store the footage they take. They also need to be able to take and store a lot of footage within a matter of seconds so many photos or video clips can be taken.

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