MCCTV Security & Surveillance System Solution News From CCTUNG — Chinese Zodiac

Chinese Zodiac

Geposted von JiangDavid am

Chinese Zodiac

    Today I will talk about the 12 animals of the Chinese Zodiac.       Rat. People of the rat zodiac are believed to be very wise. They make careful decisions after having deep thoughts.     Ox. People born in the year of the ox are hardworking and industrious. They like things that they are already familiar with.   Tiger, being remarkably strong, people of the tiger zodiac sign are very courageous. They nonetheless act recklessly at times.      Rabbit, people born under the sign of the rabbit are friendly and easygoing they can however, become sentimental and cautious very easily....

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The Story of the Chinese Zodiac

Geposted von JiangDavid am

The Story of the Chinese Zodiac

Long long ago, in ancient China, people didn't know how to measure time, and even the Jade Emperor himself wasn't sure how old he was. So, he decided to find a way to measure time, and summoned all the animals to the heavenly court.        很久很久以前,在中国古代,人们不知道如何测量时间,就连玉皇大帝自己也不确定自己的年龄。于是,他决定想办法测量时间,并把所有的动物召集到天庭。     The Jade emperor told the animals tomorrow there will be a river crossing race, and the first twelve animals to reach the finish line will become the zodiac animals. The news excited all the animals, and they hoped to become one of the twelve zodiac animals.        玉皇大帝告诉动物们,明天将有一场渡河比赛,最先到达终点线的十二只动物将成为十二生肖。这个消息让所有的动物都兴奋不已,它们都希望成为十二生肖之一...

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