MCCTV Security & Surveillance System Solution News From CCTUNG — SOS
Why Should You Use a Motion Detector Camera?
Geposted von JiangDavid am

Home security has come a long way. Technological advances have been a game changer when it comes to detecting threats and keeping people safe in their homes. The biggest development? Motion detection. In the world of home security, motion detection is one of the most important features. It is used to enhance already existing home security devices like motion sensor lighting to indoor and outdoor security cameras. Security cameras are one of the most common devices that use motion detecting technology. To better secure your home, motion detector cameras are a must-have. In this article, we'll explain how and why...
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What is container tracking?
Geposted von JiangDavid am

Containers have democratized the transport of goods from one point to another. A wide range of products can be shipped safely in these metal boxes whether by sea, rails, or truck.If containerization has proven to be an effective method of intermodal transportation, some unexpected events can happen and cause delays. Indeed containers pass through many hands from a warehouse to the final consignee.To offer greater visibility on this supply chain, every step is now monitored and recorded thanks to the use of trackers. JM-LL01 provide in real-time the exact location of a container and information on the movements. Global Positioning...
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- Tags: 1080P, 1080P camera, android, APP, Car Camera, Car DV, Car DVR, CarCamera, CarTracker, cctung, cloud camera, Dashcam, digital camera, Edgecam, free shipping, front camera, GPS tracker, GPS tracking, GPSTracker, HD camera, JC200 Car Mobile tracker, rear camera, rear-view camera, Remote Control, security, SIM card, smart camera, SOS, surveillance, Technology, TF card, wireless, wireless camera
Do-it-yourself face masks
Geposted von JiangDavid am

Experts devise do-it-yourself face masks to help people battle coronavirus يستنبط الخبراء أقنعة الوجه التي تعمل بنفسها لمساعدة الناس على مكافحة فيروس كورونا Эксперты разрабатывают маски для лица "сделай сам", чтобы помочь людям бороться с коронавирусом Gli esperti escogitano maschere facciali fai-da-te per aiutare le persone a combattere il coronavirus Des experts conçoivent des masques de bricolage pour aider les gens à combattre le coronavirus 전문가들은 사람들이 코로나 바이러스와 싸우도록 돕기 위해 스스로 얼굴 마스크를 고안합니다. 専門家は、人々がコロナウイルスと戦うのを助けるために、日曜大工のフェイスマスクを考案します #
- 2 Kommentare
- Tags: Anti-CoronoVirus, Battle, DIY, Experter, Face Mask, Help, SOS
Do-it-yourself face masks
Geposted von JiangDavid am

Experts devise do-it-yourself face masks to help people battle coronavirus يستنبط الخبراء أقنعة الوجه التي تعمل بنفسها لمساعدة الناس على مكافحة فيروس كورونا Эксперты разрабатывают маски для лица "сделай сам", чтобы помочь людям бороться с коронавирусом Gli esperti escogitano maschere facciali fai-da-te per aiutare le persone a combattere il coronavirus Des experts conçoivent des masques de bricolage pour aider les gens à combattre le coronavirus 전문가들은 사람들이 코로나 바이러스와 싸우도록 돕기 위해 스스로 얼굴 마스크를 고안합니다. 専門家は、人々がコロナウイルスと戦うのを助けるために、日曜大工のフェイスマスクを考案します # <iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>
- 339 Kommentare
- Tags: Anti-CoronoVirus, Battle, DIY, Experter, Face Mask, Help, SOS