Long long ago, in ancient China, people didn't know how to measure time, and even the Jade Emperor himself wasn't sure how old he was. So, he decided to find a way to measure time, and summoned all the animals to the heavenly court.
The Jade emperor told the animals tomorrow there will be a river crossing race, and the first twelve animals to reach the finish line will become the zodiac animals. The news excited all the animals, and they hoped to become one of the twelve zodiac animals.
At that time, the cat and the mouse were good friends. The cat asked the mouse to wake him up in the morning, but the cat was a heavy sleeper, so the mouse had to set out on his own.
Along the way, he met the ox who offered to carry the mouse on his back to cross the river together. However, when they were about to reach the finish line, the clever mouse jumped onto the land first, becoming the first animal, while the ox became the second.
Next to arrive was the tiger, securing third place in the race. The rabbit who disliked water chose to hop from stone to stone to cross the river, and then leaped onto a floating log, becoming the fourth of the zodiac animals.
The mighty dragon was the fifth to cross the river. It turned out that the dragon had on to bring rain to the land, and had also helped the rabbit by blowing a floating log toward it, showing great kindness.
The snake arrived sixth, and the horse was 7th. The sheep, monkey and rooster decided to work together to cross the river. The Jade emperor was pleased to see these three animals cooperation. So the sheep became the eighth zodiac animal, the monkey the ninth, and the rooster the tenth.
The dog, a good swimmer, only managed to secure eleventh place in the race. It turned out that the dog had been playing with branches while crossing the river, getting distracted by its playful nature.
As for the 12 zodiac animal, the pig, it arrived late, because it couldn't resist eating apples it found along the way. The pig even took a nap in the mud, only reaching the finish line when the sun was setting.
With all 12 zodiac animals accounted for, the Jade emperor declared the race over. However, at that moment, they heard an angry meowing sound, it was the furious cat especially upset when it saw the mouse sitting beside the Jade emperor.
The cat shouted, you were supposed to wake me up. I'll never forgive you. From that day on, the cat and the mouse were no longer friends, and the cat vowed to chase and eat.
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