Solution de système de sécurité et de surveillance MCCTV Actualités de CCTUNG — spy camera
How to choose a hidden camera for home security?
Publié par JiangDavid le

The best spy cameras aren't just for 00-agents! If you're looking for a camera for home security or something to keep an eye on pets and kids when you're out of the room, a spy camera is a great choice. They tend to be inexpensive and easy to use, meaning you can just set them up and leave them to it. The classic form factor for a spy camera is small and unobtrusive, something that can be tucked out of sight and out of mind, where it'll go unnoticed. There are more fun ones too, with some spy cameras that...
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- Balises: HD MINI camera, Hidden camera, home security, Mini camera, PInhole camera, Spy camera, surveillance
日常生活常见的几种窃听手段,你了解多少?How much do you know about the common eavesdropping methods in daily life?
Publié par JiangDavid le

窃听窃密的方式多种多样,激光窃听、卫星窃听、无线窃听、微波窃听、但是这些高端的窃听方法都不是用在普通人身上的。 我们来说一说普通人日常生活中比较常见的几种窃听手段。 一、手机窃听 手机窃听可以说是一个重灾区,人手一部手机的的现在,手机里存储了太多的个人敏感信息,私密信息。一个简单的钓鱼网址,你只需点击访问,就可以窃取到你的很多私密信息,例如通讯录,社交好友,相册里的敏感的照片。 很多钓鱼网址你点进去就是空白的网页,让你认为是打不开的网址,其实很有可能已经偷偷的打开了你的摄像头给你拍了照片,直接存储到了对方网站的服务器内。 二、窃听器窃听 窃听器可能在谍战片后者商业大片中才能看到,感觉离自己的生活太远了,实际上日常大部分的泄密就来源于此。窃听器也就火柴盒的大小,可以放在会议室,办公室,家里的某个不起眼的角落,伪装成生活中常见的物品。 宾馆的针孔摄像头,可以藏在空调里、电视机里、遥控器、插排、花瓶、天花板的烟雾报警器、烟盒、浴室的肥皂盒里等等很多地方。 三、智能家具窃听 现在大部分的家庭都在使用智能家具,例如智能扫地机器人,智能空调,智能的摄像头,可以联网并且远程或者语音控制的很多智能设备。 显然这些设备变得智能工作,必须要连接到互联网,但是没有任何一个网络产品可以做到百分之百的完美,没有漏洞。如果黑客通过一定的技术手段攻击侵入智能家具设备后,获得完全的控制权,控制其摄像头,麦克风,在你神不知鬼不觉之中窃听你的声音偷走你的画面。 四、车辆定位窃听 很多人都听到说过车辆被安装定位器,你的车开到哪里人家都知道,其实有些定位器也有窃听的功能,它可以安装在车内,副驾驶位置等隐蔽的地方,汽车上的环境条件复杂,不容易被发现。 高端窃听技术令人望尘莫及,而低端窃听现象却如杂草般遍地开🌼。
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- Balises: av recording, pinhole camera, Spy camera
Publié par JiangDavid le

Spy cameras have become essential tools for security, offering a variety of options for discreet monitoring. Here are the top 10 types, each with detailed explanations to help you choose the right one for your needs: Hidden Spy Camera: Description: These cameras are concealed within everyday objects such as smoke detectors, picture frames, or clocks, making them virtually undetectable. Use Case: Ideal for home or office environments where covert surveillance is necessary without alerting the subject. Wireless Spy Camera: Description: These cameras operate without the need for wires, using Wi-Fi or other wireless technologies to transmit video to a receiver...
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How to detect hidden cameras
Publié par JiangDavid le

Installing small cameras and spy gadgets has never been easier. They are easily available and you can install them in the smallest of corners. This has been the cause of increasing mistrust among people. While these cameras are not made for such purposes, people install them in dressing rooms, parking lots, any public place and even in homes. The misuse of such devices is not okay and they should be used for legitimate purposes only. However, no need to worry. If you are suspicious that there are hidden cameras in your home or somewhere else you can easily detect them....
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- Balises: 4G camera, 5G camera, detector, hidden camera, MIniCamera, Spy camera, Spy gadget, wireless camera
SpyRec Pro
Publié par JiangDavid le

Here’s why SpyRec Pro is the best choice for your surveillance needs: Universal Magnetic Base: Easily attach the SpyRec Pro to any metal surface—no tools required! 150° Wide Angle Lens: Cover more area and capture every detail with the expansive wide-angle lens. Motion Detection & Alerts: Receive instant alerts on your smartphone whenever motion is detected. Extended Battery Life: Enjoy up to 60 minutes of continuous recording on a single charge. Self-Contained Hotspot: Operate without Wi-Fi and stream within a 50-meter range outdoors. Full Mobile App Control: Manage settings, view live feeds, and share access with others from your smartphone. This exclusive offer won’t last long!...
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- Balises: CCTV camera, HD MINI camera, MCCTV Security, Mini camera, Pinho;e camera, Spy camera