MCCTV Security & Surveillance System Solution News From CCTUNG — autumnal equinox
The 24 Solar Terms 用英语讲中国16|二十四节气
Posted by JiangDavid on

The 24 solar terms is a gross name of the system that comprises of 12 major solar terms and 12 minor solar terms interlaced with each other. Starting from “vernal equinox”, the 12 major solar terms are “vernal equinox”, “corn rain”, “corn forms”, “summer solstice”, “great heat”, “end of heat”, “autumnal equinox”, “frost”, “light snow”, “winter solstice”, “severe cold” and “spring showers”. Each major solar term falls on one of the 12 lunar months designated by the 12 earthly branches. The minor solar term after “vernal equinox” is “bright and clear”, and then in turn “summer commences”, “corn on ear”,...