MCCTV Security & Surveillance System Solution News From CCTUNG — surveillance
10 Bad Habits of Unsuccessful People
Posted by JiangDavid on

The first successful person I ever met — truly successful, with accomplishments I admired and ambition I strove to emulate — was an entrepreneur in his forties, a client of mine in the first real business I’d ever started. I was 24 and eager to learn; he was constantly cheerful, and had more money than he could count. We became close friends, and he told me eventually that he’d lost his wife, the love of his life, a half-decade before we met — the kind of loss, he said, that you never get over. It was a story that made...
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- Tags: AI speaker, home security, home security camera, MCCTV Security, security, Security alarm, Security camera, security company list, smart camera, Smart DVR, Smart speaker, Solar camera, security, surveillance, Surveillance camera
How to choose a hidden camera for home security?
Posted by JiangDavid on

The best spy cameras aren't just for 00-agents! If you're looking for a camera for home security or something to keep an eye on pets and kids when you're out of the room, a spy camera is a great choice. They tend to be inexpensive and easy to use, meaning you can just set them up and leave them to it. The classic form factor for a spy camera is small and unobtrusive, something that can be tucked out of sight and out of mind, where it'll go unnoticed. There are more fun ones too, with some spy cameras that...
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- Tags: HD MINI camera, Hidden camera, home security, Mini camera, PInhole camera, Spy camera, surveillance
MCCTV Safety Science educational video for all
Posted by JiangDavid on
MCCTV Safety Science Education videos for all_7
Posted by JiangDavid on
Safety Science Education video for all _9
Posted by JiangDavid on