Wireless ad hoc network (applications in drones, unmanned vehicles, unmanned ships, robot dogs, etc.)

Posted by JiangDavid on

1. Overview of Wireless Ad Hoc Networks

MANET, a self-organizing mesh network, originated from Mobile Ad Hoc Networking, referred to as MANET.

“Ad Hoc” comes from Latin, which means “For the specific purpose only”. An Ad Hoc network is a multi-hop temporary self-organizing network consisting of a group of mobile terminals with wireless transceivers. It does not have any control center or basic communication facilities. It is also called a wireless self-organizing network. All nodes in an Ad Hoc network have equal status, and no central node is required to control or manage the network. Therefore, damage to any terminal will not affect the communication of the network, and it has strong anti-destruction capabilities. Each node not only has the functions of an ordinary mobile terminal, but can also forward data to other nodes. When the distance between two nodes that need to communicate is greater than the distance for direct communication, the middle node forwards data for them to achieve mutual communication. Sometimes the distance between two nodes is too far, and the data needs to be forwarded by multiple intermediate nodes before it can reach the destination node.

A. Each node radio station is both an access terminal server and a wireless router and Internet gateway.

B. Star, linear, mesh and hybrid networks with decentralized, self-organizing, adaptive, self-recovering dynamic routing and multi-hop relay.

C. Supports reliable transmission of point-to-point, point-to-many and many-to-many IP network streams, asynchronous data streams, high-definition video and high-fidelity voice.    

D. Provide long-distance, high-bandwidth and low-latency transmission in harsh terrain working environments such as non-line-of-sight, fast-moving, and complex interference.

2. Advantages of wireless ad hoc network technology

Wireless ad hoc network communication, with its flexible communication mode and powerful transmission capability, has the following characteristics:

A. Rapid network construction and flexible networking in a large range and on a large scale

Under the premise of ensuring power supply, it is not restricted by the deployment of supporting facilities such as computer rooms and optical fibers. There is no need to dig trenches, drill walls, or thread pipes to lay cables. The construction investment is small, the difficulty is low, and the period is short. It can be flexibly deployed and installed in a variety of ways indoors and outdoors to achieve rapid network construction without a machine room and at low cost. Centerless distributed networking supports point-to-point, point-to-many and many-to-many communications, and can build networks with arbitrary topologies such as chain, star, mesh, and hybrid dynamic.

B. Dynamic routing and multi-hop relay for anti-destruction and self-healing

Rapid movement, increase or decrease of device nodes, corresponding network topology update in seconds, dynamic routing reconstruction, real-time intelligent update, and multi-hop relay transmission between nodes.

C. Support high-speed mobility , high bandwidth and low-latency adaptive transmission with resistance to multipath fading

D. Interconnection and cross-network integration

The all-IP design supports transparent transmission of various types of data, interconnection with heterogeneous communication systems, and realizes the interactive integration of multi-network services.

E. Strong anti-interference of smart antenna, smart frequency selection and autonomous frequency hopping

Time domain digital filtering and MIMO smart antennas effectively suppress out-of-band interference. At the same time, it supports intelligent frequency selection working mode. When the working frequency is interfered with during device networking, it can intelligently select a frequency without interference for networking transmission, effectively avoiding random interference. It also supports autonomous frequency hopping working mode, providing any group of working channels within the working frequency band, and hopping synchronously at high speed across the entire network, effectively avoiding malicious interference. In addition, FEC forward error correction and ARQ error control transmission mechanism are adopted to reduce the data transmission packet loss rate and improve the data transmission efficiency.    

F. Security encryption

Fully independently developed, with customized waveform, algorithm and transmission protocol. The air interface transmission adopts 64-bit key, which can dynamically generate scrambling sequence to achieve channel encryption. Supports DES56/AES128/AES256 source encryption to enhance security. Provide hardware encryption such as chips, TF cards and encryption machines.

G. Industrial design, professional manufacturing, high reliability of red and blue hot standby

The equipment adopts Swiss LEMO aviation plug interface, which has strong vibration resistance and strictly meets the vibration resistance operation requirements of motorized transportation. It has IP66 protection level and a wide working temperature range to meet the requirements of outdoor all-weather harsh working environment.

H. Easy operation and convenient maintenance

Provides various network ports, serial ports and Wi-Fi AP, mobile devices, computers or PADs, local or remote login terminal system software, operation management and maintenance. It has real-time monitoring, GIS map and other functions, and supports remote software upgrade/configuration/hot restart.

three,peer to peer

ØPoint-to-many and many-to-many transmission of real-time data, high-definition video and clear voice over a wide range, at high speed and with low latency    

ØWireless ad hoc radio, significantly used in non-line-of-sight (NLOS) multipath fading environment, video/data/voice critical communications:

ØRobots/unmanned vehicles, reconnaissance/surveillance/counter-terrorism/monitoring

ØAir-to-air & Air-to-ground & Ground-to-ground, Public safety/special operations

ØUrban network, emergency support/routine patrol/traffic management

ØInside and outside buildings, firefighting/disaster rescue/forest/civil air defense/earthquake

ØTV broadcast wireless audio and video/live broadcast of events

ØMarine communications/ship-to-shore high-speed transmission

ØLow Deck Wireless Network/Shipborne Landing

ØMine/tunnel/basement connections


Self-driving cars

picture    picture



Unmanned ship


MESH Solutions for Border Patrol and Surveillance


Mobile MESH technology for coastal patrol    


MESH solution for public events


Mobile MESH solution for guest protection


Mobile MESH solution for K9 units    


MESH Solutions for First Responders


MESH technology for railway safety crossing



Tactical interconnection and self-organizing control

Different types of wireless ad hoc network node devices are assigned to each combat unit, which can quickly build a high-reliability, high-mobility, strong anti-destruction and anti-interference, and beyond-line-of-sight transmission wireless broadband network without relying on any fixed facilities. After the distributed network is powered on, it can quickly and dynamically form a multi-hop self-organizing network based on the actual battlefield electromagnetic environment. The centerless feature ensures that even if a single-node device is attacked and destroyed, the entire network can still self-heal and operate normally.    

Through broadband wireless self-organizing networks, the information nodes of each combat unit can realize enemy information sharing, battlefield situation awareness, real-time military information consultation, instant task allocation, and combat command issuance, thereby achieving integrated coordination of various combat units and real-time and efficient command.

Through the interconnection of all-IP self-organizing network node devices and other heterogeneous communication networks, an "air-space-ground" grid military communication network is created. The command information node comprehensively commands and coordinates the operational tasks of each combat unit, and each participating information node uploads and reports on the battlefield situation and combat status in a timely manner. At the same time, the airborne nodes can be used as wireless self-organizing network height enhancement coverage nodes to further expand the combat radius and provide updated combat situation and situation forecasts for each combat unit. In addition, the command information node is interconnected with the satellite system to achieve information interaction and sharing between the front and rear, as well as remote command and control.    


Urban anti-terrorism and stability maintenance command

Fixed station nodes are deployed at commanding or relatively high points of urban buildings. In the event of building obstruction, they can effectively form a network with vehicle-mounted stations and individual nodes for interconnection. At the same time, as a relay node to enhance or expand the wireless communication distance, the police forces can collect images at the scene of the emergency and transmit them back to the rear command center as soon as possible through multi-hop relay, providing leaders at all levels with on-site situation and decision-making basis, so as to facilitate timely and scientific analysis and rapid issuance of instructions.

The vehicle-mounted station nodes can be deployed on mobile vehicles and can be quickly reached. They can be networked for vehicle-to-vehicle wireless linkage, and can also be networked with fixed stations at commanding heights and flexible regional networks for individual disposal soldiers to build a "three-dimensional" wireless broadband network that can meet the on-site emergency communication needs of "communication in static" and "communication in motion". At the scene of an emergency, it can serve as a support center for front-line police forces, providing information network and communication support for individual soldiers handling the incident in the surrounding area; it can also serve as a small front-end command center to conduct unified command and dispatch of on-site police forces.    

At the same time, the multi-channel videos collected at the scene of the emergency can be transmitted back in real time, so that the front-line commanders can not only have an all-round and real-time intuitive control of the on-site situation, but also correspond to the movement trajectory and position of the police cars and individual soldiers in real time on the GIS map, which makes it more likely to grasp the overall situation and improve the coordination ability and combat efficiency of the police forces. Individual units are distributed to on-site law enforcement police officers to facilitate their in-depth investigation into emergency scenes or dense crowds. They can promptly transmit high-definition video from the scene back to the command center, allowing on-site commanders to intuitively grasp the on-site situation in real time. They can also conduct two-way voice communications with other individual soldiers to achieve efficient local coordination and cooperation.


Regional coverage key deployment

Individual soldiers are equipped with portable nodes, motor vehicles are equipped with vehicle-mounted nodes, and emergency control nodes are quickly deployed in temporary places or street lamp poles. A wireless self-organizing network is built on-site as soon as possible to quickly complete key control and local coordination of the target area, effectively realizing the forward movement of the command center and on-site command and dispatch.    

Fixed nodes are deployed on high-rise buildings and commanding heights in urban areas as relay transmission nodes and centralized backhaul points, which effectively enhance the system's regional coverage capabilities. They can also form a "machine-solid hybrid" multi-hop relay with mobile nodes in the front-end target area, ensuring wireless interconnection and information sharing in obstructed non-line-of-sight and multipath scenarios.

The centralized feedback node at the commanding heights can ultimately transmit on-site information of the target area back to the rear command center in a timely manner, facilitating analysis, judgment, and command decision-making, and realizing real-time interaction of information between the front and rear and group command linkage.


Fire emergency communication command

Ship formation maritime communication

In response to the wireless communication environment at sea, wireless MESH nodes are deployed on ships to quickly establish a broadband wireless network with high reliability, high mobility, strong anti-destruction and anti-interference capabilities, and beyond-line-of-sight transmission. Ensure flexible networking and multi-hop transmission between ships and between aircraft ships in the fleet, and provide users with safe, reliable, stable and timely multimedia integrated transmission services such as voice, data and video.

It supports dynamic networking when a fleet of ships is sailing at sea. When the network topology changes with the formation, the routing can be quickly reconstructed without affecting the wireless communication of the entire formation. Through the wireless multi-hop self-organizing network, the flagship node commands and coordinates the operation and work of the entire fleet, and the wingman ship nodes report and transmit various information to the flagship node in a timely manner, and information can also be exchanged between each other. At the same time, as the mobile commanding and enhanced coverage node of the entire network, the airborne node can further expand the network coverage while effectively expanding the combat radius and providing more and more comprehensive information for the flagship node. In addition, the flagship node communicates with the remote command center through the mobile satellite system. 


Link transmission self-perception fully guarantees the continuity and smoothness of transmission services, load balancing effectively improves the communication efficiency of the wireless network of ship formations, anti-interference capability greatly enhances the electromagnetic confrontation capability of the formation in maritime operations, and anti-destruction can ensure that the wireless network has tenacious vitality. Failure of any single node in the network will not affect the operation of the entire formation network. It can be called an "invincible maritime mobile network."

Reference Link is https://mp-weixin-qq-com.translate.goog/s/CmPgtP_yJF0DUCsg_rRumw?_x_tr_sl=auto&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=zh-CN&_x_tr_pto=wapp, thanks!

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