MCCTV Security & Surveillance System Solution News From CCTUNG — hunting camera
New Released: PR801 Hunting Trail Camera 8K in 3 version: 4G/Wifi/Regualr
Geposted von JiangDavid am

Hunting Tech will release its 2023 most advanced trail camera PR801 series, it will come with 8K video and 60mp photo resolution. This series have 3 version: PR801: regular. it is good for house security, check people or animal who entered. PR801W: wifi and App supported, easily connected. convinient set your camera on App TrailCam Go, view, save, and share photos and video easily. PR801Lte: 4G and App supported, received the photo as messeage or check it on Apps instantly, sim card included in the package Pre order now, your OEM design is welcome.
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- Tags: 1080P, 1080P camera, 4G camera, 60mp, 8k video, animal camera, free app, hunting camera, hunting Trail camera, WiFi camera
Why Should You Use a Motion Detector Camera?
Geposted von JiangDavid am

Home security has come a long way. Technological advances have been a game changer when it comes to detecting threats and keeping people safe in their homes. The biggest development? Motion detection. In the world of home security, motion detection is one of the most important features. It is used to enhance already existing home security devices like motion sensor lighting to indoor and outdoor security cameras. Security cameras are one of the most common devices that use motion detecting technology. To better secure your home, motion detector cameras are a must-have. In this article, we'll explain how and why...
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- Tags: 1080P, 1080P camera, 4G, 4G camera, 5G, AI, AI technology, APP, battery, cctung, cctv, cctv camera, cloud, cloud camera, cloud recording, DIY, Dome camera, dual camera, FHD camera, fishing camera, free app, free delivery, free shipping, GPS tracker, GPS tracking, HD camera, HD MINI camera, home security, hunting camera, live image, live video, min camera, Mini camera, ptz camera, SOS, Speed camera, speed dome, sports camera, surveillance, System, tiny camera, trail camera, wifi camera, wireless, wireless camera
How Exactly do Game Cameras Store Your Photos and Videos?
Geposted von JiangDavid am

Photos and videos taken by your game camera are most frequently stored on an SD card found inside of the camera. These high definition images and video clips stay on the card until it is full, and then need to be removed so the camera has enough space to continue filming. Some game camera models are wireless and offer the option of connecting to an app for video and photo storage. This is generally accomplished via connection from a hotspot that the camera is built to generate and a device with bluetooth. Available for both iOS and Android, a wireless game camera...
- 213 Kommentare
- Tags: 1080P camera, 4G camera, 5G, AI, AI technology, APP, auto tracking, camera, Car Camera, Car Tracker, ccthook, cctung, cctv, cctv camera, cloud, cloud camera, digital camera, Disinfection, DIY, dual camera, face detection, fishing camera, game camera, games camera, GPS tracker, GPS tracking, HD camera, hidden camera, hunting camera, live image, min camera
How do Game Cameras Work?
Geposted von JiangDavid am

The essential components that make a game camera work are its motion sensor, lens, infrared emitters, batteries, and SD card. The motion sensor portion of a game camera is what triggers the camera to capture movement. A camera that took photos or video clips every time the wind blew the leaves around would be useless, so motion sensors are also equipped with heat detection. The better the sensor, the faster it will detect movement and heat. The faster it can detect movement and heat, the faster it will gather footage within its field of view. Higher quality cameras also have a high-speed turnover...
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- Tags: AI technology, Car Tracker, CCTV camera, diving camera, FHD camera, fishing camera, free shipping, GPS tracker, HD camera, HD MINI camera, hunting camera, shopping, waterproof camera
What is the Difference Between Game Cameras and Trail Cameras?
Geposted von JiangDavid am

Trick question! Game cameras and trail cameras are different names for the same thing: a camera operated by batteries that captures images with lightning fast speed. Setup for these cameras is quick and easy. Models of both game and trail cameras have infrared and LED options and are intended to help capture a target's picture and location. The glow emitted by the infrared is minimal to nonexistent.
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- Tags: CCTV camera, games camera, hunting camera, sports camera, Trail camera, underater camera, waterproof cmaera